Hi, I'm Mohmmed Aqeeb

Front End Developer

Designing and developing visually stunning and responsive web applications

A b o u t  m e

👋 Hi, I'm Mohmmed Aqeeb,

and I make web applications. I've been doing it for 2.5+ years, and I really enjoy it.

I use JavaScript and the React library to develop user-friendly websites and applications with visually appealing designs.

I like working with designers and other developers to make things happen.

If you want to see what I've done before, check out my portfolio. If you want to work together, get in touch!

M  E x p e r t i s e

Front-End development (client side of the web)

I'm always learning and evolving my knowledge of the frontend web stack but here is a small selection of tech I use on a daily basis.










  • Portfolio & Previous Projects

    I have initiated and completed several projects with the objective of demonstrating my expertise and competency in Front-End Development.

    See projects

  • Recipe Application

    C o o k i l y

    A food recipe application based on forkify API

    Built with: HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript via Webpack to bundle the modules, and Babel to convert ES6, ES7 and ES8 back to ES5.

    Visit the app

  • Bank Application

    B a n k i s t

    A sleek and streamlined user interface for a banking web application.

    Built with: HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript and custom components, animations.

    View the code

    Visit the app

  • Remittance Application

    S e n d p a l

    A demo web application for online money transferring.

    Built with: HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript and Web local storage API to store demo transactions.

    View the code

    Visit the app

  • Workout tracking Application

    M a p t y

    A simple web application for tracking and saving workouts.

    Built with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript via OOP paradigm and External library known as Leaflet

    View the code

    Visit the app